

Estimated reading: 3 minutes

There are several common ways to fix a toilet leak:

  1. Replace the flapper: The flapper is the rubber valve that sits at the bottom of the toilet tank and controls the release of water into the bowl. If the flapper is worn or damaged, it may not seal properly, causing water to leak into the bowl. To fix this, you can purchase a replacement flapper and install it.

  2. Adjust the fill valve: The fill valve controls the water level in the tank and is located at the back of the toilet. If the water level is too high, it can cause water to overflow into the bowl. To fix this, you can adjust the fill valve to lower the water level.

  3. Replace the flush valve: The flush valve sits at the bottom of the tank and controls the release of water into the bowl when the toilet is flushed. If the flush valve is worn or damaged, it may not seal properly, causing water to leak into the bowl. To fix this, you can purchase a replacement flush valve and install it.

  4. Check the wax ring: The wax ring is a seal that sits between the base of the toilet and the sewer pipe. If the wax ring is damaged or worn, it can cause water to leak from the base of the toilet. To fix this, you will need to remove the toilet, replace the wax ring and reinstall the toilet.


  1. Replace the tank-to-bowl bolts: The tank-to-bowl bolts are what hold the toilet tank to the bowl. If these bolts are loose or damaged, it can cause water to leak from the tank. To fix this, you can purchase new tank-to-bowl bolts and install them.

  2. Check the supply line: The supply line is the hose that brings water to the toilet. If the supply line is loose or damaged, it can cause water to leak from the base of the toilet. To fix this, you will need to turn off the water supply, remove the old supply line and install a new one.

  3. Check the overflow tube: The overflow tube is a small pipe located inside the toilet tank. Its purpose is to prevent water from overflowing into the bowl. If the water level in the tank is too high, it can cause water to leak from the overflow tube. To fix this, you can adjust the fill valve to lower the water level.

  4. Check for cracks: Sometimes, a toilet can develop cracks in the tank, bowl or base. These cracks can cause water to leak. To fix this, you will need to replace the cracked part of the toilet.

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